Tracey Ross: Paints the Norfolk Coast

Question: Can you tell us about yourself/your artistic background and education?
My Grandmother was a key part and encouraged me a lot as a child. After leaving school I went to Great Yarmouth Collage of Art and Design to take a foundation course, and went on to take a Textile Diploma in Surface Pattern. In my forties I took a degree in Visual Studies at NUA (Norwich University of the Arts) followed by a teaching Diploma in the Lifelong Sector (DTLLS).
Question: Can you take us through the process that you go through to complete your masterpieces?
I use mixed media comprising of acrylic paint and different media such as tissue paper, texture gels, pencils and crayons. I love to build up the layers to create thick paint that I work back into to create different marks and textures.
Question: What is it about Landscapes that draws you to paint them?
I love walking and sketching along the North Norfolk coast. When I’m sketching I’m aiming to capture a special moment in time such as the light and atmosphere. As a Christian artist, I feel my calling is to capture the beauty of Creation – my work explores the horizon and the thin places between heaven and earth.
Question: What are your most important tools you use to create your masterpiece?
I love to try a variety of different tools as it helps to keep my ideas and the marks fresh. I use a lot of palette knives and various brushes, including radiator brushes, plastering tools and a silicone wedge.
Question: Do you have any art influencers? If so what are they?
I enjoy an eclectic mix of art influencers. Turner, Barbara Rae, Kurt Jackson and Peter Lanyon to name a few.
Question: What makes a good day for you?
Good question! Walking along the coast, my husband is a bit of an adventurer and enjoys creek walking at low tide to discover new places for me sketch. We enjoy taking a picnic out to the dunes, having a swim and a relaxing day together.
Question: Do you showcase or exhibit any of your work?
If so, where can we find your work? Yes, I take part in two Open Studios events when I open my studio two or three times a year and I’m also open by appointment. I’m a member of Norwich 20 Group, they are a group of artists which regularly holds exhibitions in Norfolk. I show with several local galleries, including one in Suffolk. I’m planning to hold my first art fair with Art East in Norwich at the beginning of December. I have had work selected for the Holt Art Prize and the RI and RSMA at the Mall Galleries in London. The best way to keep up to date is to sign up to my online newsletter via my website. or:
Question: What are your future plans, and how do you see your career as an artist’s developing?
I’m very excited about developing my work and exploring fresh colours within abstracts. As a teacher I enjoy holding in person workshops on the North Norfolk coast but I’d love to reach a wider audience, mainly as many potential students live on the other side of the world. I’m therefore in the middle of filming my first online art course, this was all inspired by creating a short video to promote Loxley’s Chunky Gold canvases earlier this year! I’m also working towards curating a large exhibition for 2023. Ultimately, I’d love to see my paintings reach a wider audience online and in person.