Clarisa Rakos Art - Abstract Artist

Question: Can you tell us about yourself/your artistic background and education?

Artist: I'm a self-taught British-Chilean artist and come from a different artistic background as I’m a former professional Irish Dancer/Teacher. When moving back to the UK in 2017 I had to take a break from my dancing due to a dance injury, I was on my own and waiting for my family to join me, it was a very difficult and lonely time as it took much longer than expected to be reunited with my husband and daughter, it was then that I started to paint, I had to keep my head busy so as to deal with my anxiety while waiting for my loved ones but at the same time I was also missing and longing for creativity, my brain was still busy creating choreograpies and colour palettes for costumes and shows that I was not able to put into practice, I needed to express this creativity in some way… so my dancing shoes were replaced by brushes and I started to choreograph with my hands.


Question: Can you take us through the process that you go through to complete your masterpieces?

Artist: I am an abstract/Mixed Media artist and paint in different styles…  I get easily bored when I am working too long on one style and I normally have several paintings waiting to be finished as I switch canvases or panels depending on what I feel I want to paint on that day.

I don’t start with a plan, only with a colour palette that I have had in mind and that has inspired me… it could have been an old wall/door… or the colour palette and shapes in a photograph or an image in a magazine, the beautiful and rusty colours on pebbles or rocks…. 

I love working with Acrylics because Im quite inpatient, I usually combine this with inks, oil pastels, pencils, pigments and charcoal… just love experimenting and combining different mediums … I normally start by making marks and building up layers, adding and subtracting, sometimes using my own painted collage papers… other times scratching the surface to create aged and distressed textures…. I just respond to the painting while it is developing and love how it takes a life of its own.


Question: What is it about abstract that draws you to paint them?

Artist: I was drawn and fell in love with Abstract Art as I was able to express myself through colours, shapes and mark making, Abstract painting is not technical, its emotional and my absolute THERAPY!


Question: Throughout your time painting what has been the most important thing you have learnt?

Artist: I don’t have a formal training in Art  and used to feel very intimidated by the art world… I felt the pressure to find “My Voice” but as time went by I discovered and felt relieved and happy to learn that I don’t have one but “Many Voices”


Question: Do you have any art influencers? If so what are they?

Artist: The list is too long and altough I feel a huge respect and admiration for the old masters I’m more inspired and admire the work of many living artists, 

Ines Hildur for her neutral colour palettes and compositions, Kaj Ard for his amazing textured and beautiful organic colour palettes, in collage I love Laura L Svencner and Sue Johnson, Lyne Juhl Hansen and Jane Davies for their beautiful shapes, markmaking and colour palettes, Rebecca Crowell…. The list is endless…I could go on and on…. 


Question: What makes a perfect Art day for you?

Artist: I don’t own a studio and paint in a space I have created in my home…. It’s my sanctuary, so when I’m alone and can concentrate and paint for a couple of hours in a row while listening to my fav podcasts it feels just perfect!…  I also get easily distracted and frustrated so having some time for myself and ending my day varnishing a painting can also feel like heaven!   I also enjoy visiting Art Fairs and exhibitions with my artist friends who I have met online or while exhibiting in the same venues, many of them have become dear friends in real life.  Visiting Art shops is my other obsession and therapy … although a very expensive therapy ☺


Question: Do you showcase or exhibit any of your work? If so, where can we find your work?

Artist: Yes, I’ve done several Art Fairs and Exhibitions and I am currently represented by the Paragon Gallery in Cheltenham where some of my paintings are displayed, you can also have a look on my website : or my Instagram Acqualuna_Studio where I also share pictures and videos of my works in progress.


Question: What are your future plans, and how do you see your career as an artist’s developing?

Artist: My plan is to keep learning and exploring, to grow as an artist, to have my own studio and become a full-time artist, hopefully in a near future, but most important to keep enjoying this that has become my passion in life…